Welcome to Beer and a Movie, a podcast where we combine two of the greatest art forms known to humanity: beer and movies! Sometimes achieving outstanding pairings and other times giving ourselves the opportunity to wash the terrible taste of failure from our mouths.
It's simple. We open a beer. Drink it while we talk about a movie. Talk about the beer. Then repeat. Two movies. Two beers. Every Wednesday.
Along the way, we'll throw in a director/actor/genre-specific episode, a guest, The BaaMies (our year-in-review highlights), a Cage Match (every 50 episodes on the 50s), All Horror October. Whatever our whims dictate.

Carlos Cooper is the owner and operator of Hybrid Records in Corpus Christi, TX. He's a former filmmaker, current film scorer, 1/3 of the darkwave band Sword Collector, and, clearly, a massive fan of craft beer.

David Gurney teaches media studies and has published both scholarly research and casual criticism on various aspects of popular culture in such outlets as Tiny Mix Tapes and Velvet Light Trap. Growing up in Maine, he was lucky enough to have his early beer education bolstered by many great early microbreweries (ahem, we say “craft” now) such as Geary’s, Allagash, and Gritty McDuff’s. Ever the Pollyanna of our merry band of pranksters, he is often relied upon to break up fights and find the redeemable in films and libations that may otherwise seem like lost causes.

Joe Hilliard's love of beer and movies goes way back, proven by the creation of beer groups, beer shares, local film festivals, and film events throughout the years. The wide variety of beers we enjoy on the show is therapy for his escape from an IPA-centric beer shell and we rely on him to say something inappropriate during most episodes. When not at a theater, brewery or craft beer bar, Joe runs 40 Things to Do in Corpus Christi, co-hosts the podcast Dinner Table Talks and is probably at home cooking dinner.