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100! Cage Match

How do you celebrate 100 episodes? We mean, that's 221 beers. From 159 breweries. From 41 states. 8 countries. It's also 221 movies! That's a lot of hard work so how do you celebrate? With a Ziploc and a bowl. (Listen to understand). We mulled over the options and decided that after 99 episodes, we'd finally summoned the courage to step into The Cage Match. That's 3 Nicolas Cage flicks: Vampire's Kiss, Face/Off, and Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans. It was Carlos's ultimate fantasy, but no one was disappointed. Joe called BL: POCNO one of his top 30 films after watching it this second time. David and Carlos agree with that high praise. Vampire's Kiss, we call, a must-see and we all almost forgive Face/Off's foolishness. Almost. We give a short history of the show, talk about our favorite episodes, films and beers so far and brainstorm so must-record episodes over the next 100 episodes. A big number like 100 means we're upping our beer game too. We drink and review 4 beers: Weathered Souls Brewing Co.'s Cavernous, an American Imperial Stout

SingleCut Beersmiths' Weird & Gilly IPA Mast Landing Brewing Company's All The Way Up - Tangerine & Passion Fruit

Weathered Souls Brewing Co..'s Player Haters Ball, another American Imperial Stout

Thank you for listening to our first 100!



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